
An EEMBC Benchmark Suite
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This table lists all of the scores uploaded by members or licensees. It is not required that members or licensees upload scores, and in many cases the scores they create are for internal use only.

Scores that are certified have undergone a rigorous analysis by the EEMBC Certification Lab. Certification is a benefit only available to members, and guarantees the score adheres to the official run-rules for that benchmark.

Vendors who certify their scores my use the "EEMBC Certification Logo" () on their press release, product packaging, etc.

The table below refers to CoreMark™-PRO [multi] and [single] for multiple and single context scores, respectively. The user of the benchmark may set the number of contexts using the -cN flag, where N is the number of contexts. CoreMark-PRO will always report the single-context score in addition to the N-multi context scores, even if N is one.


See the mobile phone & tablet AndEBench-PRO scores, which contain >10,000 CoreMark-PRO entries.

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