In This Issue
From the President
From the EEMBC Technology Center
New Benchmark Scores
News Briefs
EEMBC Calendar
Shay Gal-On, EEMBC director of software engineering, will present "A New Way To Benchmark Energy Cost of Embedded Processor Performance" at Embedded Systems Conference on September 27 at 8:30 a.m. at the Hynes Convention Center in Boston. Topics will include measurement techniques useful for system designers making tradeoffs between performance and power in portable and space-constrained applications, with a focus on benchmark projects currently under development and an exploration of applying benchmarks to derive execution profiles. Click for more information.
EEMBC President Markus Levy will present "Understanding the Critical Aspects of Microcontroller Performance" at the ARM Developer's Conference on October 3 at 1:00 p.m. The talk will discuss, among other topics, how the performance of ARM7 devices is highly dependent on the memory subsystem that surrounds them.
EEMBC President Markus Levy will be chairing the Multicore Processor Development Track on October 12 at the ESS2006 Technical Conference Programme in Birmingham, England. Additionally, Levy will be presenting on the challenges of designing a multicore system. Click for more information.
"New Trend of Benchmark Usages for Embedded Processors" is the title of a presentation being given by Steve Otsuka, EEMBC Japan Representative, at the CQ Publishing Technology Seminar and Exhibition, being held October 13 at the Akihabara Convention Hall in Tokyo. Click for more information.
An introduction to multicore benchmarks from EEMBC will be addressed in presentations by Markus Levy at the Japan Multicore Expo (October 31 – November 1, co-located with the Embedded Processor Symposium in Tokyo) and the Germany Multicore Expo (November 14-15, at electronica 2006 in Munich). Click for more information. |
Letter from the President
Benchmark Development Pace Heating Up For those of you who have ever been a member of a consortium, you probably have experienced the amount of effort and time required to move things along. Every consortium has its share of policies and processes that it must endure in order to "get things right" and satisfy the majority of its membership. EEMBC is no exception to this, and as a result, it traditionally has taken us a relatively long time to develop |
and test each new benchmark suite that comes about. In the 2005 issue of Microprocessor Report, Tom Halfhill used the adjective "glacial" to describe the pace of EEMBC benchmark development. That might have been a fair description at the time, but since then we've been experiencing a climate change. As a matter of fact, I am quite excited about the flood of new benchmarks and other projects that are currently under development within EEMBC.

One of my personal favorites is the workload characterization project that is described by Shay Gal-On elsewhere in this newsletter. As we mentioned in our previous EEMBC Journal, the goal of this project is to develop a methodology for characterizing the workload of EEMBC benchmarks. This project is being led by Tom Conte, an expert in the areas of microprocessor architecture, compiler code generation/optimization, and performance evaluation at North Carolina State University. As you can see from Shay’s column, the results are trickling in and progress is being made, but we’re still about nine months away from being finished.

Another personal favorite lies in the area of multiprocessing benchmarks. With no less than 3,594 methods of benchmarking an embedded multiprocessing platform (this includes multicore and multithreading, as well as symmetric multiprocessing), we were lucky to narrow this project down (at least initially) to just a few options. A detailed specification has been developed and is now undergoing review by EEMBC’s Multicore work group, being led by John Goodacre of ARM and Shay Gal-On. If you’re not involved with this effort already, and plan to build or use multicore or multithreaded devices, please ask me how you can join.

We have a unique and comprehensive benchmark program underway for an entirely new suite of automotive benchmarks. Currently, two strategies are being developed. One strategy targets the benchmarking of a processor's peripherals and interrupt system. We've been discussing this for quite some time, but there were some technical hurdles to overcome. The second strategy provides for a flexible benchmark framework. This will allow automotive manufacturers to dynamically create benchmark suites that directly target their own application models. More details will be available publicly in 2007. EEMBC members should get involved now to help set the details.

EEMBC is also working on a set of network storage benchmarks. Although we started discussions for this project no less than one year ago, the momentum is gaining and a detailed specification will soon be available for members to review. With the assistance of David Solina of Adaptec, chairman of the storage working group, once the specification is approved, coding will be performed by the EEMBC Technology Center.

We're also working on the final touches for our next generation OABench™ Office Automation benchmark suite. This too has been in the pipeline for a long while, but the EEMBC Technology Center has been blasting away on this code. This project was sidetracked for a few months because we decided to adopt a new code base from Artifex, a company that has also been so gracious as to help EEMBC make the transition. More details on the reasons behind this transition will be publicly available soon. Suffice it to say, that this is going to be a great benchmark suite for anyone designing printers or testing microprocessors.

Last but not least, EnergyBench is rapidly gaining popularity. This benchmark supplement was released about four months ago, and the EEMBC Technology Center has been supporting quite a few members get this ported to their platforms. We are seeing some very interesting results come out of this effort, and although the results are not public yet, suffice it to say that the added value of having both performance and energy measurements is huge.

So, you can see that we are very busy these days. These are exciting times in the embedded benchmark world. I invite you to join EEMBC, get involved in these developing benchmarks, and learn for yourself that for everything I’ve described in this letter represents just the tip of the iceberg.
Markus Levy
EEMBC President |
From the EEMBC Technology Center
Cache as Cache Can
By Shay Gal-On, Director of Software Engineering One of the most exciting EEMBC projects now underway is a study of the workload characteristics of all the EEMBC benchmarks. In addition to looking at ICache and DCache effects, we also plan to analyze the inherent fine grain parallelism of the code, the inherent branch misprediction or control behavior of benchmarks, and the dynamic rate of different types of instructions. This study is being done using several popular architectures and special analysis tools.

To give you a more concrete idea of what this project is about, here are a couple of initial results from an analysis of the Networking 1.1 OSPF benchmark. The objective was to determine the minimum data cache size required to limit the miss ratio to some negligible amount. We also wanted to study the effects of associativity and cache line size relative to the minimum required cache size. Results from two separate popular RISC architectures are shown in the graphs below.

To help make sense of all this data, the graphs show both required cache size, as well as the actual miss ratio. As you can see, both architectures show several similar trends:
• Both architectures achieve minimum cache size using 4-way associative cache, with 64B or 128B line size. Lines shorter then 64B require a substantially bigger cache to achieve a miss rate below 5%, although the actual miss rate is actually less than 0.1%. In other words, by forcing the miss rate below 5%, the miss rate actually gets close to zero.
• When using a cache line size of less then 64B, direct mapped cache is actually superior to associative cache.

The next step is to examine the benchmark and see what happens if we change the minimum required cache miss ratio to be under 10%, or 1% or 0.1%. Actually, the ultimate "next step" is analyzing all the data we are collecting. For the time being, the goal of this project is to find the trends, which are already looking quite interesting. Stay tuned, we’ll be sharing those trends with you in the near future.
New Benchmark Scores
AMD Geode LX800 - 500 MHz
GCC Version 3.4.4
Production Silicon

ConsumerBench 1.1 with EnergyBench 1.0
Out-of-the-Box |
IBM PowerPC 970FX - 2 GHz
GCC Auto-Vectorization Compiler
Production Silicon

TeleBench 1.1
TeleBench 1.1
Out-of-the-Box |
Toshiba TX4939XBG - 400 MHz
Production Silicon

Network 1.1
Network 2.0
Out-of-the-Box |
News Briefs
Measuring the "Power" Cost of Processor Performance Using EEMBC EnergyBench™ Benchmarks, a webcast presented by National Instruments on July 19, is now available for playback on demand by clicking on this link.

EEMBC's Shay Gal-On and NI's Jared Aho are the webcast's co-presenters, providing an overview of how EEMBC has implemented EnergyBench using the LabVIEW platform and an affordable data acquisition (DAQ) card, both from National Instruments, to allow designers to compare the performance/energy of devices from multiple vendors side by side and select the processors that best fit their needs based on more accurate data.

In other EnergyBench news, EEMBC wishes to thank its friends at NXP, the new semiconductor company founded by Philips, for their work on an EnergyBench demo board that will be used in future EEMBC presentations to show the capabilities of EnergyBench.

Benvenuto! A seven-page overview article on EEMBC and its benchmarks will appear in the October 2006 issue of Firmware, marking the fullest treatment of the consortium ever presented in the Italian language. Co-authors are Markus Levy and Maurizio Del Corso, the magazine’s executive director. Firmware is the only Italian publication exclusively devoted to embedded processors and their applications. More info:

New from Tensilica's Steve Leibson, Designing SOCs with Configured Cores: Unleashing the Tensilica Xtensa and Diamond Cores, is an essential reference for system-on-chip designers that uses EEMBC benchmarks to compare Tensilica cores with competitive devices. Order your copy today at Steve will be happy to autograph all purchased books; ask Markus to arrange it.