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The EnergyRunner® Framework for MLCommons® MLPerf™ Tiny Benchmark

This version of the benchmark runner is sponsored by funding from MLCommons, and is available for anyone running the MLPerf Tiny benchmark. A GitHub page is provided with an overview, and it is provided as-is, without techincal support from EEMBC. Please contact the MLCommons Tiny working group for questions regarding support.

To download, please choose an OS version below. You will need to create a "General Purpose" EEMBC account or login if you have an account, and then agree to the terms to download.

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Also needed is the IO Manager hex image for the Arduino UNO:

* Note: The Joulescope JS110 driver on macOS only works on x86 silicon.

First-level support is provided by the MLCommons MLPerfTiny working group, please contact them for all issues at tiny@mlcommons.org.

Amendment to EEMBC's privacy policy for this software only, download information may be shared with MLCommons in order to make resource decisions.

Copyright © EEMBC